Jim's Tip to Keeping Your Dog Safe This Tick Season

Whether our regular hobbies are gardening or motorcycles, we all love dogs.  If you are like me and take your dog to the woods to do her business, you are entering tick territory.  I uncovered a nifty home remedy for both my clothing and the dog.  Here it is:

2 cups white vinegar

1 cup water

20 drops of geranium essential oil

A splash of a light oil, like almond, mineral, or olive oil

Shake it up and spray it on some old clothes that you will use just to go out to the woods.  Maybe better, leave the old clothes in the garage or in the side porch, just in case a tick gets through your barrier.  It has worked wonders for me and the dog and we have remained tick free during this high tick season.  Earlier in the season before I came up with the concoction, I had a tick on me every other day.  Give it a try.

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