Your Auto Insurance May Cover You and Your Family on Bicycles When Hit by a Car


Auto Insurance for bike injury? Yes if the driver of the car had no insurance or insufficient insurance, your own Uninsured Motorist coverage on your car insurance will usually kick in. If the reckless drives flees, in a hit and run, your Uninsured Motorist Coverage kicks in again. Even if the wrongdoer is never caught, your Uninsured Motorist coverage applies. We should also look for Umbrella policies which may also include UM coverage at higher limits for modest costs. Most states require similar coverage’s in their auto policies.

Also, in most states, when an individual is struck as a pedestrian, Uninsured Motorist coverage on her own automobile insurance policy potentially kicks in. The total available coverage in New Hampshire would be the total amount of UM coverage under the auto insurance policy that has to match the BI coverage. In a fatality, the decedent’s family would have to establish a probate estate to pursue that claim and then retain an attorney to look for the coverage from vehicles owned and operated by the decedent and possibly her family members.

Since coverage on your own vehicle is critical when you have a serious injury or death, it is important that you have substantial uninsured motorist coverage on your automobile policies. Frequently the cost of increasing your UM coverage 10 fold costs just a few more dollars. We all should review our own automobile policies as well as our umbrella insurance policies that could also provide uninsured motorist coverage. In New Hampshire, for example, an operator could obtain uninsured motorist coverage of $1 Million or $2 Million for a very modest cost on top of the auto coverage.  Your family deserves financial assistance when the worst happens.